Karisa Karmali
7 min readAug 20, 2021


Resilience: How I Process Emotional Stress While Maintaining Momentum and Vision

What if we could simply start expecting challenges in a way that they don’t surprise us any longer and in a way where they’re welcomed as opportunities?

When we welcome negative emotion as a welcomed guest who is here to teach us, rather than resist it, we flow through it faster (not because speed is the goal) because of the lack of resistance! Resistance delays resilience in a sense. Fear, pain, and anger are nothing to be afraid of (as long as we healthily channel them).

Peace is not complacency or settling, but an understanding that we will be OKAY no matter the outcome. How are we going to be okay? By thinking of similar challenges we successfully surmounted in the past and the fact that we are still alive. We also ensure we are okay by taking the reigns.

I have run into many challenges mapping out some downloadable fitness guides while looking to niche down. Some of my online store apps had also stopped working the way I needed them to. With all of this nonsense which I truly had no time for, it took me a while to get back to center. Now, I am back to center in knowing that clearly, customization is the only option for me until I can find something that preserves the quality of client-centricity I pride myself in. I was forcing myself to fit into considering the faster way of doing business (through downloadable knowledge guides) to the detriment of my deepest values. I now include a customized knowledge library for clients that is tailored, that was the solution to my problem. The solution only came to me when I drowned out the outer noise.

On the surface, this sounds like a minor challenge, but it made me want to burn my computer and close the business. I get mad at myself when I am indecisive and unclear; however, sometimes, clarity can only be found through action based on values, mission, vision, standards, and clear principles that are non-negotiable.

Does the customization principle limit me because I am the only coach? Maybe, maybe not. I have since found fantastic referral partners whose products and philosophy matches mine. I would prefer integrity before business growth, that is how strongly I feel about customization and avoiding promoting fake fitness myths used to trap people who are desperately looking for a cure to their ills. If people can dance around moving their stomachs in back-damaging ways and promise abs from that, we have a problem! Rant aside, I would prefer to solve an issue in-depth, rather than offer health-related (fake, sleazy, trendy, gimmicky, silly) quick fixes.

Having referral partners means I can refer people to people who can help them, without the need to train another coach (not a right-now thing). Sounds like the best of both worlds! At the end of the day, if I cannot train someone else at a high-quality level, that is a risk for the client. Shoddy plans with a lack of detailed evaluation of all medical aspects that go into determining the right nutrition and fitness plan can cause more problems down the road. Imagine risking being the cause of more problems for a client due to rushing? That is never a position that I will put myself in. This industry is not about seeing as many clients as possible (or it should not be), it’s about quality first. Can you truly solve a problem in a 5-minute conversation? No. Those seeking general tidbits of advice for a deeply personalized problem may not be approaching it the right way.

Overall, I am looking back on the entire journey of starting a brand and I used to feel more pressure than I do now, even if I still feel a moderate amount. Now, I am just going with my gut, nixing what doesn’t work as the total amount of time I have to dedicate to each aspect is a bit limited, keeping what does and no longer interested in over-scaling for the sake of it.

How I feel on the inside is the priority, regardless of how that may look to others. Inner voice has been the winning factor in injecting more flow into my day-to-day, regardless of challenges.

How do I maintain peace when challenges arise? By understanding that change is a constant and there is no real living without understanding that highs and lows are a part of it, it’s just reality and that is completely okay. When we resist the existence of highs and lows through the delusion that those phases should not exist, then our reaction to the existence of an issue will extend the pain and suffering beyond its needed duration. I am not perfect at this, I struggle too, but getting better.

I am not always at peace; however, maintaining equilibrium during challenging times of any nature allows me to not lose focus on my goals and future vision, regardless of the circumstances. I can be feeling a feeling fully in order to process it (the only way is to move through it, not around it), without losing sight of the finish line.

That is what I mean by resilience. It is not about the platitude of silver linings and fairy dust, it is about not losing sight of the end goal when undergoing challenges of any magnitude. Aside from fitness being my thinking and planning time, it has helped me reframe challenges and my view of them. The new belief for me around challenges is that they are expected and designed to be embraced. I still cry when I am in pain; however, I also do not lose sight of the goal. It’s just a level in the game of life, we cannot move forward without learning a skill at each level.

Taking control of the future is by taking control of our minds in the now by choosing resilience, which is an active daily mindset shift.

Does the customization limit me because I am the only coach? Maybe, maybe not. I have since found fantastic referral partners whose products and philosophy matches mine. I would prefer integrity before business growth, that is how strongly I feel about customization and avoiding promoting fake fitness myths used to trap people who are desperately looking for a cure to their ills. This means I can refer people to people who can help them, without the need to train another coach (not a right-now thing). Sounds like the best of both worlds! At the end of the day, if I cannot train someone else at a high-quality level, that is a risk for the client. Shoddy plans with a lack of detailed evaluation of all medical aspects that go into determining the right nutrition and fitness plan can cause more problems down the road. Imagine being the cause of more problems for a client due to rushing? That is never a position that I will put myself in. This industry is not about seeing as many clients as possible, it’s about quality first. Can you truly solve a problem in a 5-minute conversation? No.

Overall, I am looking back on the entire journey of starting a brand and I used to feel more pressure than I do now, even if I still feel a moderate amount. Now, I am just going with my gut, nixing what doesn’t work as the total amount of time I have to dedicate to each aspect is a bit limited, keeping what does and no longer interested in over-scaling for the sake of it.

How I feel on the inside is the priority, regardless of how that may look to others. Inner voice has been the winning factor in injecting more flow into my day-to-day, regardless of challenges.

How do I maintain peace when challenges arise? By understanding that change is a constant and there is no real living without understanding that highs and lows are a part of it, it’s just reality and that is completely okay. When we resist the existence of highs and lows through the delusion that those phases should not exist, then our reaction to the existence of an issue will extend the pain and suffering beyond its needed duration. I am not perfect at this, I struggle too, but getting better.

I am not always at peace; however, maintaining equilibrium during challenging times of any nature allows me to not lose focus on my goals and future vision, regardless of the circumstances. I can be feeling a feeling fully in order to process it (the only way is to move through it, not around it), without losing sight of the finish line.

That is what I mean by resilience. It is not about the platitude of silver linings and fairy dust, it is about not losing sight of the end goal when undergoing challenges of any magnitude. Aside from fitness being my thinking and planning time, it has helped me reframe challenges and my view of them. The new belief for me around challenges is that they are expected and designed to be embraced. I still cry when I am in pain; however, I also do not lose sight of the goal. It’s just a level in the game of life, we cannot move forward without learning a skill at each level.



Karisa Karmali

Founder of SELF-LOVE AND FITNESS - online retailer and fitness/nutrition coaching for the athletically ambitious. 🥇 selfloveandfitness.com